Our families and staff were invited to wear their team colours to celebrate this great sporting event. This week the children have enjoyed making footy flags in their team colours, practicing their football skills and reading stories of team work.
Monthly Archives: September 2018
We are super excited to announce that Complete Kids are now on Instagram!
We plan on sharing lots of our educational experiences and play spaces in our feed. If you would like to follow us, search completekids and look for our logo. Thanks
Our Fathers Day kinder nights were a BIG HIT at both centres.
We were thrilled to see so many of our dads/granpa’s/special persons attend and would like to thank you for making the night so much fun.
Our Mothers Day and Fathers Day evenings are a great way for the children to showcase their room, the activities they enjoy and songs/performances they have been learning.
We would also like to thank those dads who stopped for some ‘Box Construction’ time in our foyers this week. Hopefully you walked away with something special, that you made together, to treasure.
Happy Early Educator Day !
Fathers Day celebrations
To celebrate our Dads we have created a Box Construction play space at both our Phillip Drive and Barkly Street centres. We are inviting dads/special person to take some time out with their child/ren in this area, as children make something magical for you to keep. We would also like to thank Kylie and her Coffee Van, for providing both our centres with FREE coffee (on us), Thursday last week and Monday this week. Happy Fathers Day !