- Living Eggs
- Careers Week
- The Butterfly House
- Pet Week
The children in our Koalas Kindergarten have had a very busy term 3. We were very excited to invite our Mums and Dads in to talk about their careers for Careers Week and to invite our Dad’s in for our special Fathers Day Evening. We also had more visits from parents and family members during Pet Week where we were able to bring our pet in for a play.
A big Thank You to our Koala parents for coming along and joining our program during Term 3 🙂
Our Term 3 incursions were lots of fun….
We had the ‘Living Egg’ experience, where we cared for and watched chickens hatch from their eggs over a two week period. We enjoyed playing host to our younger friends and siblings as the younger rooms visited our eggs and then our chickens. And we learnt how to hold and care for our fluffy new friends.
Melbourne Museum came with some enormous Dinosaur Bones. We learnt about Dinosaurs and why we don’t see them today. We saw fossils that were millions of years old and replicas of Dinosaur feet, legs and skulls. Our koalas had some fantastic answers to what they believe happened to the dinosaurs, ranging from volcano explosions to space ships and aliens.
We had a fantastic visit from Butterfly Adventures where real butterflies came into kinder. We learnt about butterflies life span, that they lay eggs and that caterpillars hatch from these eggs. That hot weather makes butterflies restless and want to fly. We were invited to participate in a range of experiences using magnifying glasses, real butterflies, cocoons and images to investigate. We then each had a turn of going inside the butterfly house where butterflies landed on us.
Our koalas have been doing lots of cooking this term making Vegetable Soup, Risotto and Vegetable Pizza with herbs picked from our herb garden.
Term 4 is set to be just as exciting with many more incursions along with our Term 4 visits to Killara Primary.