Wallaby, Dingo

Ages from 3 -5 years

It is with great excitement that we welcome you to our Wallaby (Phillips Drive) and Dingo (Barkly Street) Rooms!

Our qualified staff are here to support your child through this very important year. Together, we have developed a program that is full of fun, laughter, growth, learning and development.

This is a year of growing socially, emotionally, physically and intellectually. In our 3-5yo rooms, letters, numbers, stories, puzzles, dress ups, paint, play-dough and play are all present to help guide and develop your child. Imagination and creativity is everywhere and we believe that “the process” is more important than “the product” and learning is accomplished by doing, touching and experiencing.

There is a focus on further developing independence skills. Self serve morning tea and lunch, allowing the children to use tongs to place the desired amount of food on their plates, scrapping their own bowls and emptying left over water onto out plants are all examples of independence. This is also a wonderful way for the children to learn about health and hygiene, numeracy concepts (full, half and empty), turn taking, communication and manners as well as caring for the environment.

Things to remember:

• To sign your child in and out every day
• Your child’s sleep items such as; sleeping bag, blanket, dummy and comforter (if still sleeping)
• Your child’s bag with spare clothes (along with shoes if toilet training)
• A weather appropriate hat for outdoor play
• Please remember to clearly label all spare clothing

Your involvement, interest, and enthusiasm will help make this a wonderful year of growth for your child. We believe that the key to success is partnership between families, children and educators so if ever you have a suggestion, idea or comment, please let our Room Leaders, or any of our qualified staff know.

Our Wallabies Room Leader is Fiona and our Dingo’s Room Leader is Karina